Selasa, 16 Februari 2010

efek sinar laser

' [ B Y ] #
' / /\ / /\ / /::\ / /\ /__/\ #
' / /::\ / /::\ / /:/\:\ / /:/_ \ \:\ #
' / /:/\:\ / /:/\:\ / /:/ \:\ / /:/ /\ \ \:\ #
' / /:/~/:/ / /:/~/::\ /__/:/ \__\:| / /:/ /:/_ _____\__\:\ #
' /__/:/ /:/___ /__/:/ /:/\:\ \ \:\ / /:/ /__/:/ /:/ /\ /__/::::::::\ #
' \ \:\/:::::/ \ \:\/:/__\/ \ \:\ /:/ \ \:\/:/ /:/ \ \:\~~\~~\/ #
' \ \::/~~~~ \ \::/ \ \:\/:/ \ \::/ /:/ \ \:\ ~~~ #
' \ \:\ \ \:\ \ \::/ \ \:\/:/ \ \:\ #
' \ \:\ \ \:\ \__\/ \ \::/ \ \:\ #
' \__\/ \__\/ \__\/ \__\/ #
' Vb-bego,x-Code,Cyberdos,P_H_L,indonesianhacker #
' efek lAser ni gw dapet dari x-code tapi gw lupa sapa yg share klo g salah mr.brain
'klo gag salah klo salah maapin yah
' buat x-code/mr.brain thx yah dah kasih codingnya
':)' mangstabb!!!!

Option Explicit 'Keeps me from being sloppy :-)
Dim XPos, YPos As Integer 'Current X and Y positions of the "laser"
Dim Color As Long 'The color that the "laser" is currentlly drawing

Dim vLeft As Boolean, hLeft As Boolean

Private Enum LaserDrawModes
End Enum

'**** Description ***********
'Copies a picture from one picture box (or form) to another, with an animated "laser" effect
'**** Usage ***************
'LaserDraw PictureToDraw, DrawSurface, LaserOriginX, LaserOriginY, BackColor
'**** Inputs ***************
'0 PictureToDraw - Picturebox containing the picture to be copied
'0 DrawSurface - Picturebox or Form which the picture should be copied to
'0 LaserOriginX - Optional; The x coordinate of where the laser should come from.
' Default is the width of the PictureToDraw picture box
'0 LaserOriginY - Optional; The y coordinate of where the laser should come from.
' Default is the height of the PictureToDraw picture box
'0 BackColor - Optional; The background color of the DrawSurface
' Default is the current background color of DrawSurface
'0 LaserDrawMode - Optional; The style of the laser draw
' LaserCorner - Original mode, draws the picture, one line at a time, as if from a laser in a corner
' PrinterScan - Draws the picture as if a printer were going along and drawing each dot
' WierdDraw - Wierd draw mode, similar to PrinterScan. Try it for yourself :-)
' Default is LaserCorner
'**** Outputs *****************

Private Sub LaserDraw(PictureToDraw As PictureBox, DrawSurface As Object, Optional LaserOriginX = -1, Optional LaserOriginY = -1, Optional BackColor As ColorConstants = -1, Optional LaserDrawMode As LaserDrawModes = LaserCorner)
'Set up the DrawSurface picture box
DrawSurface.ScaleMode = vbPixels 'Set the scale mode of the "canvas" to pixels
If BackColor <> -1 Then 'Background color specified
DrawSurface.BackColor = BackColor 'Set the background color of the "canvas" to the desired background color
End If
'Set up the PictureToDraw picture box
PictureToDraw.ScaleMode = vbPixels 'Set the scale mode of the picturebox containing the picture to be drawn to pixels
PictureToDraw.AutoRedraw = True 'Set the autoredraw property of the picturebox containing the picture to be drawn to true
PictureToDraw.Visible = False 'Hide the picturebox containing the picture to be drawn
'Set up the X and Y coordinates of the "laser"
If LaserOriginX = -1 Then 'No X coordinate of the "laser" is specified
LaserOriginX = PictureToDraw.ScaleWidth 'Set it to the width of the picturebox containing the picture to be drawn
End If
If LaserOriginY = -1 Then 'No Y coordinate of the "laser" is specified
LaserOriginY = PictureToDraw.ScaleHeight 'Set it to the height of the picturebox containing the picture to be drawn
End If
'Start the "Laser" effect
For XPos = 0 To PictureToDraw.ScaleWidth 'Move the "laser" horizantally along the "canvas"
DoEvents 'Allow input to be prosessed
For YPos = 0 To PictureToDraw.ScaleHeight 'Move the "laser" verticlly along the "canvas"
Color = PictureToDraw.Point(XPos, YPos) 'Determine the color of the pixel to be drawn
If LaserDrawMode = LaserCorner Then 'Normal Drawing
DrawSurface.Line (XPos, YPos)-(LaserOriginX, LaserOriginY), Color 'Draw a line from the origin coordinates to the coordinates of the pixel to be drawn
ElseIf LaserDrawMode = PrinterScan Then '"Printer Scanning" mode
DrawSurface.Line (XPos, YPos)-(LaserOriginX, YPos), Color 'Draw a straight line from the pixel to LaserOrginX
DrawSurface.Line (XPos + 1, YPos - 1)-(LaserOriginX, YPos - 1), BackColor 'Erase the last position of the "laser"
DoEvents 'Alow input to be prosessed
ElseIf LaserDrawMode = WierdDrawSlow Then '"Weird Draw Slow" mode
DrawSurface.Line (XPos, YPos)-(LaserOriginX, YPos), Color 'Draw a straight line from the pixel to LaserOrginX
DoEvents 'Alow input to be prosessed
Else '"Wierd Draw" mode
DrawSurface.Line (XPos, YPos)-(LaserOriginX, YPos), Color 'Draw a straight line from the pixel to LaserOrginX
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
'While True
'LaserDraw Picture1, Me, Me.ScaleWidth, Me.ScaleHeight, vbBlack, LaserCorner
LaserDraw Picture1, Me, Me.ScaleWidth, Me.ScaleHeight, vbBlack, WierdDraw
'LaserDraw Picture1, Me, Me.ScaleWidth, Me.ScaleHeight, vbBlack, WierdDrawSlow
'LaserDraw Picture1, Me, Me.ScaleWidth, Me.ScaleHeight, vbBlack, PrinterScan
End Sub

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